Should the payment/money for asbestos medical & RPE be deducted from my wage?

As advised on the HSE website, it is illegal for your employer to make you pay for any personal protective equipment or clothing (PPE) you need to protect your health and safety at work. It's also illegal for your employer to take a refundable deposit from you for it.


In relation to asbestos medicals, the regulations (Managing and working with asbestos, ACoP L143) are very clear:

Paragraph 507

Medical examinations for licensable work and NNLW should:

■ take place in the employee’s normal working time. Employees should co-operate if they are sent for such an examination;

■ be at the employer’s expense, including travel, lost working time and the doctor’s fee;

■ trigger a review of all methods of work, risk assessments, and co-worker health if an employee is diagnosed with an asbestos-related condition.

It would be advisable to write to your employer or HR department and discuss your issues, outlining the above regulations. Alternatively, you can contact ACAS for employment advice:

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